Well well well... It is that time of the year when you are soon going to be entering your preseason tests, sprints, suicides, and games. Problem- you aren't in the shape you need to be.
It's okay, unfortunately I have been there too. Did I get back into shape? YES. Was it easy? NO. In how long? Around 3 weeks with 3 days off. Ps- make sure that whatever test you will be given, you try it at least 2 times before the day of preseason.
Here we go:

1. Map out a plan and STICK to it.
2. Eat well (plenty of protein and post-workout shakes that will help you recover.
3. Recover. This means rest, sleep, ice, and foam roll.
My plan looked like this-
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday : Speed + Agility
4 x 18 yard sprint (jog back) (20 second rest)
4x 60 yard spring (jog back) (30 sec second rest)
4 x 120 yard sprint (jog back) (1 min rest)
-3 min rest-
2 Full field suicides with a 1 min rest in between.
(The last sprint is for mental strength).
For agility:
Ladder and cone work with the ball
Here is a good Youtube video to follow! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezxBHV9QsR8
Don't have a ladder? That's ok, you can do quick feet using cones or even a line.
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday : Cardio + Strength
Hope you rested well because today will be challenging.
If you have access to a pool, this is the key to the entire plan. You will be doing this after your strength workout or in the evening.
Warm up 10 min jog on treadmill.
Foam Roll 30 seconds - Adductor , Quadruped , Glutei
Active stretch.
--.-Strength -
3 x 10 Squats (end each set with 10 jump squats) = 20 total
4 x 8 Push Up - 3. position Isohold
3 x 10 Atlernating Lunges (20 total) - you may increase to using dumbbells
4 x 12 Glute Bridge - with Cable Core Activation
4 x 12 Romanian Deadlift - 1 Leg ( Dowel or use a 10lb single dumbbell)
4 x 20 Overhead Press Standing 1 Arm Dumbell
4 x 12 Two Arm Kettle Bell Swings
4 x 20 Crunches
4 x 20 V- Ups
4 x 20 Twists with medicine ball (10 lb)
Afternoon / Evening workout: POOL!

Total: 1 hour
5 warm up laps (1 = there and back)
2 Laps as fast as you can (time it)
Rest 2 min
1 Lap as fast as you can (time it)
Rest 1 min
Repeat 6 times each and make sure you beat your times.
Rest for 3 min.
Go for endurance - swim 4-8 laps at a decent pace (not overexerting but working your heart rate at a steady pace)
Stretch when you are done with 60 min in total for the work out.
Sunday aka Day 7: REST!
Make sure you ice bath, go for a swim, light jog and stretch.
Good luck! This is based purely off workouts I did and was given by my trainers. I am in no way a certified trainer but happily give my insight. Please seek medical advice or clearance if needed prior to doing my workout posts.